Monday, October 10, 2011

Waiting on large purchases to save money

Mr. CouponDiva has wanted a LCD/Flat screen TV since they have first come onto the market. However, $2000.00 for a TV is too rich for my blood. Our tube TV worked just fine, so I saw no reason to replace it. Oh yeah, and we couldn't afford it!

Fast forward 5 years, and we now have the little man.  Little man likes to watch Yo Gabba Gabba each morning, as well as his Baby Einstein video.  Our tube TV still works great, but it's very heavy, and I didn't want it to fall on Little Man if there was an earthquake (we do live in California!).

Mr. CouponDiva has also wanted a PS3 since they arrived on the scene.   He wanted it mostly for the fact that it can be used as a blue ray player, and it can stream Hulu Plus and Netflix. I didn't see the need for yet another gaming system. Oh yeah, and we couldn't afford it!

Fast forward to last week. We received the deposit back on our previous apartment. After considering what to do with it (save it, buy the TV, spend it on something else) we decided to look at a new TV.  Mr. CouponDiva took Little Man and away they went to look at TV's and compare options. I got the day off! After about 8 hours of comparing TV's in stores (after weeks of doing it online!), he selected a 46 inch Toshiba LCD TV that was on sale at Sears for $599.00 (non-sale price is $1200.00). I paid with our UPromise credit card, so we'll get 1% cash back for Little Man's college education.

We then scooted over to Target and picked up a PS3 Move bundle, which included the Kinnect, a game, and 2 controllers for $350.00, which was cheaper than when the PS3 originally came out.  The PS3 was originally $500 (and that was just the gaming system, that doesn't include the Kinnect, or controllers or a game!) We used my Target red card debit card to save 5% and the pharmacy rewards 5% discount to save a total of 10%.

In addition to saving because we waited and the prices of the items we wanted had dropped, we shopped sales, and used rewards available to us to save even more!

And we'll be saving even more! Using Endorse, when I submit the receipt for Sears and Target, we'll receive 10% back in the form of a check.  Mr. Coupondiva and I will put that money into our ING Direct savings account and use the money for holiday gifts.

The best part... We still have money left from our deposit after buying these two items! That money will go into savings.




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