Friday, October 28, 2011

Making do....

It's the end of the month, and at our house that means there's weird stuff left in the fridge.  This morning for breakfast, instead of my usual zone bar and coffee, I wanted something a little more substantial.


I scavenged and found the ingredients for a breakfast pastie.

  • 1 pie crust

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/2 c. salsa

  • 1/4 c. bacon bits (the real stuff!!)

  • 1/4 c. cheese

  1. I scrambled and cooked the eggs with salsa and bacon bits poured it into the pie crust.

  2. I topped the hot, cooked egg mixture with cheese.

  3. Then I folded the crust in half and crimped the edges shut with a fork.

  4. Baked it at 350 for 20 minutes on an ungreased cookie sheet, until the pie crust was cooked.

I doctored up my coffee with frothed fat free milk that I had melted two Tablespoons of chocolate chips in and topped it with a few marshmallows.

It was really good, and I used stuff in the cupboard and fridge, so we are staying within budget for the month.

Speaking of budgets, Mr. CouponDiva and I are going to not eat out next month.  We're taking it one week at a time, but to combat the cost of eating out, we'll be relying more heavily days where I can cook a few extra meals, so we will always have good, fresh food at our fingertips.  We've also planned a couple dinner parties/get togethers at our house with friends in addition to Thanksgiving Dinner with my parents.  I'll be using my Outback free steak coupon tomorrow night!  Little Man and I are having a date!

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