Monday, November 14, 2011

Meal Plan Monday!

Today I hit up Fresh and Easy and Albertsons (separate posts on each one of those to follow), so that makes this weeks' meal planning a lot easier.

Here is this weeks Menu Plan:


  • B:Cliff bars with PB and coffee with creamer

  • L: Me, Stromboli (Stouffers) DH,Leftovers

  • D: Salsa chicken soup with quinoa, tossed salad


  • B:Cliff bars with PB and coffee with creamer

  • L: Me, leftovers, DH Fresh and easy meal

  • D: Chili (re-purposing the leftover vegan chili we had last week, adding ground beef and more beans)


  • B:Cliff bars with PB and coffee with creamer

  • L: Me, leftovers, DH Fresh and easy meal

  • D: Chef Salad with hummus


  • B:Cliff bars with PB and coffee with creamer

  • L:  Me, mac n' cheese, DH Fresh and easy meal

  • D:Crockpot soup


  • B:Cliff bars with PB and coffee with creamer

  • L:  Me, leftovers, DH Fresh and easy meal

  • D:Something with hamburger- probably a casserole (I'll brown and season the taco meat for Saturday's lunch at this time)


  • B:Omelets and fruit

  • L: Tacos or taco salad

  • D: Stir fry with Rice


  • B: Pancakes and eggs

  • L: leftovers

  • D:Quesadilla cheeseburgers

All lunches include a piece of fruit, cut up veggies, bottle of water, granola bar and lollipop.

A lot of you ask about why and how we eat leftovers for lunch each day.  I make extra portions of dinner each night and I put them into reusable containers before I serve dinner each night.  Sometimes I make big salads and portion them into our reusable salad containers when what we are having for dinner either won’t make good leftovers or when we have guests for dinner.


Our Pledge:  This month, we will not be eating out.  We’ll be eating at home each night and taking lunches from home. With menu planning, this should be a lot easier.   Update: Last week we had Subway twice. We had coupons and honestly, sometimes, even with a menu plan, I have an exhausting day chasing the baby and I don't want to cook. So, we are re-committing and pressing forward!

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