Sunday, September 18, 2011

Nature's Own Bread Review

(Disclosure- I am a BzzAgent and I received a coupon for a free loaf of Nature's Own bread, however all the opinions are mine).


Let me just say how excited I was when BzzAgent asked me to be a part of their Nature's Own Campaign.  Since the baby came six months ago, I am trying to get us to eat better. I want our son to be exposed to a healthy diet, and I still have some baby weight to lose!

Nature's Own Bread is free of artificial preservatives, colors, flavors and high fructose corn syrup.  My favorite part about all of the Nature's Own Breads is that they are high in fiber! There are tons of varieties, including breakfast breads and Sandwich thins (which make great breakfast sandwiches!)


Check out the Nature's Own Facebook page.  Enter to win a reusable grocery bag and a coupon for a free loaf of bread. Or, if you don't have Facebook, check out the Nature's Own website for more info!

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