Friday, September 30, 2011

Holiday Crafts on the cheap

I'm working on crafts for the holidays.  My mom is hosting a craft show on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and I'd like to make a little extra money for the holidays.

I'm making the following (and here are links to tutorials so you can make them at home too!):

Hot Pad/Towel hanger

Plastic Grocery bag holder

Flannel PJ pants with a matching pillow case



Reusable grocery sacks (Here is a great website that has TONS of different patterns!)

To keep this endeavor affordable, I started by going through my current stash of supplies.  I try to keep a variety of craft supplies on hand.  I buy them when they are on clearance or when I find a great deal.  A few places that you can find great, inexpensive craft supplies:

  • 99 cent/ Dollar stores

  • Walmart

  • Target (the dollar spot frequently has great crafting stuff like ribbon and paper)

Yesterday, I went through my fabric box and pulled out the fabric I wanted to use, washed it, and cut out a the aprons and grocery bags.  Today I'll be cutting out the PJ pants, and hopefully get started on the actual sewing.

So if I'm light on the posts in the next few days, it's because I'm sewing up a storm!



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