Monday, June 29, 2009

Walgreens- hells yeah


Spent $42.85
Saved $78.15

Here are just a few things I bought (the best deals!) 
2 packages of Laundry soap were $9.99/ea. paid $3.49/each (they were BOGO, and I had 2 $1/off q's)
4 bottles of Listerine (2 large, 2 small. The smalls were GWP packaged with the big ones) were 2/$9, paid $2/2 (I had 2 $2/off q's, plus I received a $3 Register rewards!)- So total- they were $1/each
4 free boxes of hair dye (two were $13.99, 2 were $9.99- Thanks to Brooke for the Clairol Q's!!)
'Smore's makings $6 (the chocolate and graham crackers were $2/6 and the marshmallows were FREE)- IMPULSE BUY!!!

I also scored a bunch of new Q's (thanks coupon fairy!!) and left a bunch I wasn't going to use.

I've already started the list of food we're going to cook in July for the All you contest- we have a pretty healthy selection of stuff in the cupboard already.  I reorganized it and did two freecycle postings to get rid of the icky stuff we weren't going to eat.  I think I am good without 2 cases of south beach bars.  I am barred out. 

I'll try to get pictures of the cupboard and fridge tomorrow and the HBA stockpile.  I won't have to buy HBA for a while.  I'm not taking home deodorant unless it's free, and even then.. I'm good.   T is stocked on HBA probably for the rest of the year.

So Weds. begins living off of $50/week for food. I know we can do it.  We lived off of $25/week in May, so doubling it will be soo much easier!

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