Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Now I've got it... what do I do with it??

So, you've plotted out your trip- checked the sales, pulled your coupons. 

You shopped.

You came, you saw, you conquered!! And you saved a ton (over 50%- GREAT!!)

Now what?

This ladies and gents, is the stockpile.  I have two.

One is for edibles.  It lives in our cupboard.  I stock pile things that I can get for A) Free, B) We'll eat, and/or C) Have a good shelf life.  I don't recommend stockpiling, say... milk, or chicken breasts.  DH and I eat at work 3-4 days a week, so I tend to stock up on snacky/lunch foods and food that's good for entertaining (crackers, snack mix).  My cupboard is relatively organized.  I know what's in there with a quick glance. The 2nd type of stock pile item is something that has a good shelf life that we use a lot of.  Examp[le:  Hunt Sugar Free Pasta sauce in a can .  Yup, a can.  Our local grocery store was no longer going to carry it, so it was marked down to .59/can.  Down from $1.79.  Such a deal.  I bought 10.  That's about 3 months worth.  I use it for many different recipes, so it comes in handy.  When something is insanely cheap- EVEN IF THERE IS NO COUPON- and YOU WILL EAT IT- BUY IT.

The second is HBA:  Home Bath Accessories. Shampoo, soap, toilet tissue, kleenex, paper towels, cleaning supplies.  Once again A) Free, B) We'll use and/or C) Make good gifts.

I have two stash locations:  Kitcheny/cleaning stuff goes under the sink.  Dish soap is usually free or less than .50. Combine manufacturer (man. q's) coupons with walgreens store/circular/super saver q's and you are in like Flynn.  Bath stuff lives in a large box in my closet.  It's dark and cool, great for storage.

I tend to buy "sets"- shampoo AND conditioner, body wash AND lotion.  Of course, sales permitting.  I stock up when they are cheap/free and save them.  Brushes, combs, hair accessories, candles (stuff that makes great gifts!).  I keep them all in a box and when it's time for a birthday or a party where I need a hostess gift, I pull out hte box and make a gift basket.

GIFT WRAP- Total non sequiter- After X-mas, stock up on plain-ish looking gift bags and tissue.  90% off at Target the week after X-mas.. OK!

Now I've got it... what do I do with it?? part two- revenge of the coupons

So, you're new to money saving... or, you're like me and you clip ALL the coupons.  What do you need fixodent or Depend adult diapers for??  The coupons you won't use, put in an envelope and offer the coupons to a co-worker or friends (your coupon buddies!), let them look through and take what they want.  With the rejects (fixodent!), I take them with me to the store and leave them on the shelf, next to the item.  Someone's gonna need it!

If I can impart one kernel of knowledge- Club Cards, Club Cards, Club cards. Who really cares if they know what you buy?  It's called market research!  That's how they offer great deals- they see what you want and buy more!  Club cards aren't big brother- they are a tool to save money!! USE THEM!!!

Oh and withthe new year, comes coupons that expire 12/31/08.  Clean out your coupon stashes and PURGE the expireds!!

Have a great and safe new year.

2009 will be the year of savings!!

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